What to Expect During Sedation Dentistry Appointment

What to Expect During Sedation Dentistry Appointment

Although many people feel uneasy about having dental work done, proper dental care is crucial for everyone. For this reason, sedation dentistry is available to help nervous patients relax during their treatment. 

There are various types of sedation that may be suitable depending on the treatment. If you’re considering sedation for your next dental appointment, continue reading to learn more about the process and what to expect during dental sedation.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedative medications to create a state of semi-consciousness or unconsciousness that allows for a dental procedure to be performed calmly and comfortably for both the patient and the dentist. Different methods of sedation are available, including IV administration, oral pills, or nitrous oxide gas. 

By administering sedatives correctly, the patient can undergo the procedure with ease and without experiencing stress or discomfort. Some patients with severe dental anxiety may require full sedation during routine cleanings and x-rays, while others may only need lighter sedation, such as nitrous oxide gas.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

The extent of sedation dentistry offered is tailored to meet individual needs, taking into account factors such as personal preferences, the length of the procedure, health history, and the degree of anxiety experienced. Here are the most common types of dental sedation:

  • Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas“, is a frequently used sedative. It is administered through a mask or nosepiece, and its soothing effects usually begin within 3 to 5 minutes. Your dentist is in charge of the amount of sedation given, and they will make adjustments as needed during the procedure. When the treatment is finished, your dentist provides pure oxygen to clear the nitrous oxide from your system. The laughing gas is quickly eliminated from your system, allowing you to drive yourself home after the procedure.

  • Oral conscious sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking a sedative medication, usually in pill form, about an hour before your dental procedure. Pediatric dentists may also use liquid sedation, such as midazolam oral syrup. Oral sedation can cause grogginess and even sleep, but you can still communicate with your dentist and wake up with a gentle nudge. Because oral sedation affects memory and motor skills temporarily, you will need someone to drive you home after the procedure.

  • Intravenous (IV) sedation

In a dental office setting, IV sedation is the most profound type of conscious sedation offered. The sedative medications are administered through an IV line into your bloodstream. Your dentist also monitors your vital signs and can adjust your dosage during the procedure. Most people receiving IV sedation fall asleep and have no recollection of the treatment. This form of sedation is suitable for people with extreme dental anxiety or those undergoing lengthy procedures.

  • General Anesthesia

In cases where young children, adults with special needs, or individuals with severe dental anxiety require treatment, general anesthesia in a hospital or ambulatory surgery center may be necessary. General anesthesia is a type of unconscious sedation, which means you will be completely unconscious during the procedure. Usually, an anesthesiologist will be present during the treatment to provide general anesthesia.

How to Prepare for a Sedation Dentistry Appointment

Patients may feel the side effects of sedation after the procedure

Bring a friend to take you home after the appointment

If you’re asking, “How do I prepare for dental sedation?” Whether sedation is for anxiety or pain management, there are some essential steps you need to take to plan your day. In this regard, we will discuss how to prepare for a sedation dentistry appointment, ensuring you are ready for the procedure and able to return home safely afterward.


  • Drink Lots of Fluids the Day Before

Staying hydrated is crucial on the day of your visit. A minimum of 8 glasses of water should be consumed each day before your sedation appointment. You won’t be permitted to eat or drink anything on the day of your sedation, so it’s critical to arrive well-hydrated.

  • Wear Comfortable Clothes

Preparing for sedation dentistry is similar to preparing for a lengthy flight. Make sure to wear something comfortable that allows you to sleep for an extended period, even if you come straight from work. Avoid wearing tight waistbands, rough seams, or stiff clothing that may wrinkle easily, and stay away from high heels for obvious reasons.

  • Ask Someone to Take You Home

Remember that you will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure. If you arrive at the dentist’s office in your own vehicle, you will need to make arrangements for someone else to pick you up and drive you home. The best option is to bring a friend or family member who can stay with you throughout the appointment and take you home afterward. While waiting, they can bring something to keep them occupied. However, some offices may not require your driver to stay during the entire procedure.

  • Listen to Calming Music

Your dentist may or may not talk you through the procedure depending on the depth of your sedation. If you want to sleep through the entire treatment, it’s recommended to bring headphones and soothing music to help you relax. It’s important to check with your dentist before using earbuds. This will not only keep you occupied while you wait, but it will also enable you to take your mind off the dental procedure.

  • Keep the Rest of the Day Open

Avoid making any serious plans for the remainder of the day after your sedation dentistry appointment. While mild sedation treatments may leave you alert and responsive for the rest of the day, it’s still not safe for you to operate heavy machinery or engage in activities that require mental acuity.

Schedule your dental appointment for a day when you can take the afternoon off. You can indulge in some fun activities, such as watching a movie, enjoying some ice cream (if your dentist allows it), or spending quality time with loved ones while you’re still feeling a bit giddy. However, refrain from working or driving, as the sedation effects may not have worn off completely.

What Happens During Sedation Dentistry?

So, what happens during a sedation dental procedure? Your dentist gives you sedative medications before beginning your dental procedure. The effects of sedation can vary from person to person, but individuals typically experience drowsiness or a sense of relaxation during their dental procedure. Sedation can help to alleviate negative emotions, such as anxiety and stress. Oral sedation may also cause a tingling sensation in the arms, legs, hands, and feet, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, resulting in a very relaxed state.

What Happens After Sedation Dentistry?

Patients may feel the side effects of sedation after the procedure

  • Getting Home

Except if you opt for nitrous oxide, it is necessary for you to have a reliable family member or friend drive you home after your sedation appointment. You must head straight home and relax until the sedative wears off. It is essential to have someone you trust to help you; hence, it’s not safe to take a taxi or rideshare service home. Your designated driver should ensure that you are resting comfortably before leaving you alone.

  • Recovery

Recovery time from sedation dentistry is usually fast, although some effects may persist for the remainder of the day. Your dentist will monitor your vital signs, including your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, to ensure they are stable before discharging you. However, you could experience some side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, headache, or sluggishness for the rest of the day. To avoid any negative consequences, it’s best to refrain from working or engaging in intense physical activity until the sedation dentistry side effects have worn off.

Sedation dentistry can be a useful solution for people who suffer from anxiety during a trip to the dentist. This method can help to ensure that patients receive the proper dental care even despite their misgivings regarding dental procedures. If you want to overcome your anxiety during your appointment, now is the time to search “sedation dentistry near me.” 


Lambton Family Dental in Sarnia, Ontario has a team of professionals who can provide you with the quality patient-centred care. Call and book an appointment now at (519) 344-5747!