laying baby girl using teether

Teething Solutions For Your Baby

Perhaps your baby is starting to show his/her first set of chompers and starting to “teethe.” Many parents are thrilled — and a little stressed out — about this situation. Teeth begin to erupt in a baby around six months of age. However, some little ones start growing their teeth earlier. This is perfectly normal. Also, parents should not be concerned if their child is still toothless at age one. Some babies are just late bloomers.

Teething Symptoms

Generally, a baby will start to act a bit cranky or fussy. This is due to the pain they feel as teeth begin to emerge through their gums. Some babies might start to chew on their blanket or toys. This is done to relieve the intense pressure that they feel in their mouth. Other symptoms:

  • Drooling
  • Swollen Gums
  • Refusal to Eat
  • Refusal to Sleep (waking throughout the night)

Teething Solutions

To ease your infant’s pain, give your baby something safe to chew on to reduce discomfort. Offer the baby a chilled (but not frozen) teething ring or cool, wet washcloth. Try taking your finger and rubbing the baby’s gums for several minutes. Purchase something from the baby store that allows you to put frozen fruit inside a small net (shaped almost like a pacifier) that the baby can suck on. Always observe your child when they have teething devices in their mouths to avoid choking hazards; check with your dentist or pediatrician for the best advice.

Lambton Family Dental wants to help you and your baby through the difficult stage of teething, and help begin great hygiene habits for your child early in their development. We’re happy to share our experience and knowledge with you. Call us at (519) 344-5747.