baby age of 1 year cleans teeth

All About Baby Teeth

When babies are first born, they have no visible teeth at all, just a set of gaping gums. Baby teeth are underneath the surface of those gums, but parents won’t see their little one’s pearly whites for at least a few months.


When babies cut their first tooth

Within four to six months of age, babies usually begin to cut their first tooth. This usually results in gum swelling, fever, diarrhea, and other minor side effects as babies adjust to their new teeth. Parents can expect a bit of fussiness from their young child (and a lot of drooling, all of which is normal). If a parent has any concerns about a baby’s new teeth, they can call the dentist to see if they should bring their child in for an exam.

When a baby should first see the dentist


Parents might be surprised to learn that babies can see the dentist by their first birthday, or within six months of getting their first tooth. This may seem quite young, but it’s an opportune time for dentists to seek any potential underlying issues with protruding teeth, such as tooth decay, crooked teeth, or even an infection in the gums or a misshapen upper jaw. Also, if you take your child with you when you get cleanings/checkups, s/he will become familiar with and comfortable with the dentist’s office.

How many teeth a baby should have by their first birthday

There is no magic number for how many teeth a baby should have by the time they turn a year old. Soon after this date a baby will usually have up to 20 teeth, and will continue sprouting new teeth until they are around six years of age. If a baby has not begun to cut their first teeth by six, a parent should call the dentist to see if there are any oral issues that need to be addressed.

Lambton Family Dental in Sarnia is always accepting new patients and we’re happy to help parents with their children’s oral health. Call now to make an appointment today by calling our friendly staff at (519) 344-5747.