Signs You Need to Call an Emergency Dentist

Signs You Need to Call an Emergency Dentist

Dental emergencies come in different forms and reasons. Some people who experienced a dental emergency wonder if their condition is severe enough to require an urgent trip to the nearest emergency dentist for treatment. When left untreated (even overnight), some dental emergencies may cause you to lose a tooth permanently.

Several dental emergencies are critical, and they require more immediate attention than others. Failure to seek urgent care can have a significant effect on your dental health.

Contact an emergency dentist in Sarnia ASAP if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms.

  • Swollen Cheeks With Jaw Pain

Several factors contribute to the swollen cheeks accompanied by jaw pain—from minor dental injury to an infection. If the swelling is extremely painful or long-lasting, you need to seek immediate dental treatment. After all, most swelling and jaw pain issues are tooth-related.

Tooth Abscess: Abscessed or infected teeth can be life-threatening, especially when left untreated for a long time. The common signs and symptoms of a tooth abscess include:

    • Extremely painful toothache
    • Puffy, swollen, or bleeding gums
    • Sensitivity to touch or temperature
    • Raised white bump on the gums

Seeking emergency dental care may involve root canal treatment to remove the infection or tooth extraction, depending on the severity of the problem.

Pericoronitis: This type of dental condition is caused by the inflammation of the gums around the wisdom teeth. Among the symptoms of pericoronitis include discharge oozing from their gums. Treating the infection can help minimize the swelling in your gums and on your cheeks.

Jaw Cyst: Jaw cysts are filled with fluid, air, and other substances. The risk of developing jaw cysts increases with the following factors:

    • Poor oral hygiene
    • Poorly fitting dentures
    • Malnutrition
    • Rough teeth surface
    • Tobacco and alcohol use

During the diagnosis, the dentist will ask about your medical history and perform a thorough examination of your mouth, jaws, and teeth. In some cases, an MRI, CT scan, or biopsy may be necessary to obtain a conclusive diagnosis. The dentist may also recommend a surgical procedure for the removal of the cyst.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

Save your broken tooth—visit the nearest emergency dentist ASAP

If you have a cracked or broken tooth, the location of the tooth and the severity of the crack can influence the treatment method. Saving the tooth is the main goal of getting immediate emergency dental care. That is why it is critical to visit the nearest dental clinic ASAP.

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it. Gently apply pressure on the injured part to stop bleeding. Place a cold compress to minimize swelling in the affected area. Wrap the piece of broken tooth in clean, wet gauze and take it to the dentist.

  • Unexplained Severe Dental Pain

Some dental pain can be chronic and can keep you awake all night. If the pain radiates to your neck, jaw, or ear, it could indicate a serious dental problem. If you experience persistent throbbing in your mouth, intense sensitivity, and/or facial swelling, contact an emergency dentist right away for a dental exam. The Sarnia dentist may recommend a few x-rays to determine the cause of the problem.

  • Bleeding Gums

Red, swollen, bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease

If you notice bleeding in your gums after brushing or flossing, it’s a cause for concern. Dental bleeding is an indication of gum disease or gingivitis. This common oral problem can be accompanied by swollen gums or an unpleasant odour, which is noticeable when flossing. Getting prompt treatment is of utmost importance. Untreated gum disease can result in the inability to return your teeth to a healthy state. Be sure to visit a trusted family dental clinic in Sarnia for a thorough dental checkup and receive proper treatment to save your smile.

  • Soft Tissue Injury

Injury to the soft tissue does not usually result in too much bleeding. but when they do, it could signify a serious problem. In most cases, the bleeding will stop after a few minutes.

A highly trained and experienced emergency dentist in Sarnia can effectively diagnose and treat soft tissue damage. However, medical practitioners and oral surgeons will handle severe soft tissue injuries in hospital emergency rooms.

  • Unusual Taste in Your Mouth

Bad taste in the mouth can vary from person to person. Depending on the cause, some may experience an unpleasant metallic taste while others may notice a bitter or foul taste in their mouth. This dental problem can even affect your sense of taste when it goes untreated for a period.

Here are some of the most common contributory factors:

Poor Hygiene and Dental Problems: Poor oral hygiene is a major cause of the unpleasant taste in your mouth. Irregular brushing and flossing can cause gingivitis, which triggers the problem. Some oral health issues, such as tooth abscess and wisdom teeth eruption, can also cause your mouth to taste bad. Practicing good dental hygiene (brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and regular dental cleaning) can help prevent the weird taste in your mouth.

Dry Mouth: Also referred to as xerostomia, dry mouth can cause a dry, sticky feeling inside your mouth due to insufficient production of saliva. Saliva helps remove tiny food particles and flush out bacteria in your mouth. When you do not have enough saliva, bacteria can feed on the leftover food and produce acid that contributes to the bad taste in your mouth.

Factors that can trigger dry mouth include:

    • Ageing
    • Certain over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications
    • Autoimmune conditions
    • Diabetes
    • Tobacco use
    • Nerve damage
      Stuffy nose causing mouth breathing

Consult a dentist to determine the cause of dry mouth. Lifestyle changes, medication modifications, and OTC or prescription mouth rinses can help relieve the problem.

Oral Thrush:

Thrush is a form of yeast infection that tends to flourish well in warm, moist areas, such as your mouth. Oral thrush is more common in babies, older adults, and people with suppressed immune systems.

When left untreated, oral thrush can cause:

    • Redness, soreness, or burning sensation
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Dry mouth
    • White bumps

Practicing good oral hygiene can protect you against oral thrush. Also, limit your sugar intake since yeast feeds on sugar. If you notice white spots in your mouth even if you do not have any other symptoms, contact a dentist right away.

What to Do When You’re in a Dental Emergency

In the event of a dental emergency situation, do not panic. Seek help as soon as possible. Give us a call at (519) 344-5747 to get started on your treatment ASAP. The sooner you get treatment, the better the outcome will be.