New Year's Resolution for a Healthy Smile

New Year’s Resolution for a Healthy Smile

You have probably already been considering all the wonderful things that can happen this 2023. Making a list of New Year’s resolutions is one approach to getting the year going, and the majority of resolutions are centred on improving your wealth and health. Making dental resolutions to improve your oral health will benefit both your financial status and your overall health.


If you’re thinking, “How can I drastically improve my teeth?” here are a few dental resolutions you can add to your list.

  • Brush Correctly
    You may be brushing your teeth every day, but are you doing it correctly? According to the Canadian Community Health Survey, only a quarter of Canadians meet the CDA recommendations for brushing and flossing. See to it that you’re brushing your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day to ensure you’re cleaning them effectively and maintaining your oral health.
  • Floss Regularly
    Even though you should floss daily, many people don’t because they either find it to be tiring or inconvenient. If you make an effort this New Year, you might be able to lower your chance of developing gum disease and dental decay in difficult-to-reach spaces in between your teeth. You’ll also enjoy a much cleaner breath.
  • Quit Smoking

Cigarettes have negative effects on your overall health

Giving up tobacco is challenging, and if you smoke, it’s likely that you’ve already made this resolution in the past. Smoking is among the most harmful behaviours for your teeth and general health, but it is worth emphasizing. It raises your risk of gum disease and tooth loss. Additionally, it makes getting dental implants more difficult. Although it’s one of the most difficult resolutions to keep, it’s also one of the best you could ever do for your well-being.

  • Avoid Staining Foods
    Teeth whitening can be an option if you don’t like the way discoloured teeth make you look, but the benefits don’t stay as long if you regularly consume meals and drinks that are likely to stain your teeth. These include likely culprits, such as chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, red wine, beer, and berries. It’s difficult to eliminate all of those delicious foods, but even a small change in consumption can have a significant impact. If a drastic change is too much, you may start slow by committing to always drinking cold liquids using a straw.
  • Avoid Acidic Foods
    Acidic meals have the potential to seriously harm your mouth. Sports drinks and sodas are among the worst because they are frequently the most acidic and should be avoided. Try to cut back on how much you consume if you are guilty of regularly drinking these beverages. Include in your dental New Year resolution to limit your intake to one per day at most, and then, consider reducing your intake to one every other day. Never forget to drink some water afterward to help wash the acid off your teeth.
  • Upgrade Your Toothbrush

Get an electric toothbrush this New Year

Consider switching to an electric toothbrush this New Year. Electric toothbrushes can help you clean your teeth more thoroughly than a manual toothbrush, and they can also help you reach the 2-minute brushing recommendation. You will better maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

  • Invest in a Tongue Scraper
    Similar to how germs can collect on your teeth and cause plaque, they can also build up in the taste buds and other gaps of your tongue. Bacteria accumulate on the tongue along with old skin cells and food particles and must be manually removed. While using a toothbrush to brush your tongue can help remove some bacteria, it is not the most efficient approach. To improve your dental health in the New Year, buy a tongue scraper if you truly want to make sure your tongue is as clean and healthy as possible.
  • Cut Down on Sugar
    Eating sweets is one thing, but drinking is the quickest way to cover your lips in sugar without even realizing it. Make it a goal in the New Year l to consume less sugar overall by reducing your intake of sugary beverages. This entails cutting back on your consumption of soda and any other sugar-sweetened beverages, including alcoholic beverages, sports drinks, coffee, and tea.
  • Drink Lots of Water
    One of the most helpful New Year dental tips is to ensure you stay hydrated with lots of water. Staying hydrated not only improves your oral hygiene but also reduces appetite and exhaustion. When your mouth becomes dry, there isn’t enough saliva present to regularly wash microorganisms off your teeth. As a result, cavities may become more likely. Drink water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist. This may also be your perfect excuse to use the fancy water bottles you received over the holidays.
  • Use Mouthwash
    Although mouthwash isn’t a replacement for brushing and flossing, it can still greatly improve your oral health. Mouthwashes often contain fluoride and other antiseptic properties. They assist in preventing gingivitis and gum disease by reducing plaque build-up. Additionally, rinsing your teeth might help get rid of food particles that brushing misses. You may quickly and easily help maintain the health of your teeth by including mouthwash in your dental routine.
  • Visit the Dentist Regularly
    If you haven’t been doing so, there is no better time to begin going to dentist appointments than right now. This New Year, a dentist visit is a must. Making an appointment with your dentist for a check-up and cleaning every 6 months is a smart resolution for 2023. Tartar and plaque, which lead to tooth deterioration and cavities, are removed during routine cleanings. Regular dental check-ups also enhance the likelihood of early diagnosis if you’re prone to gingivitis or gum disease, making it simpler to treat symptoms and, when possible, undo the damage.


There is no better opportunity to begin implementing your resolution than right now. Make 2023 the year that you start putting your dental health first and start flashing your bright smile.

How do you keep your smile healthy? With these quick and simple lifestyle changes for 2023, you can start focusing on your oral health and make positive changes in your life. Let the Sarnia, Lambton Shores Dentists at Lambton Family Dental Centre help you accomplish the dental resolutions you set this year. Visit us for regular check-ups with your family. Call us at (519) 344-5747 to schedule an appointment.