People occasionally suffer from bad breath — whether you wake up after not brushing your teeth, or eat something with …
Category: Tips
Hacks for a Healthy New Year Smile
While most of us are busy making plans and travelling during the holiday season, we sometimes neglect overall health by …
Keeping Kids’ Teeth Holiday-Healthy
For many kids, the winter holidays are a happy and magical time of year. They receive presents, enjoy playing in …
Surgeries to Treat Gum Recession
Gum disease is mainly caused by the formation and reproduction of bacteria around teeth, causing gums to recede. Solutions to …
How Cold Weather Affects Teeth
You may not know it, but the cold weather (and the holidays) can affect tooth pain and sensitivity. The nerve …
How to Care for Teeth after a Filling
A dental filling can restore the form and function of a damaged tooth. After this procedure, take care to prevent …
Why You’ve Developed Sensitive Teeth
If you start to notice cold and hot food and drinks causing your teeth some discomfort, you may have tooth …
Five Habits that Can Ruin Your Teeth
Sometimes, regular brushing or flossing is just not enough to maintain the health of your teeth. Even those who religiously …
The Fundamentals of Toothbrush Care
Just as a chef takes care of his knives or a firefighter her gear, we also need to take care …
When Sedation Dentistry Is the Best Option for You
Not only do some children fear the thought of sitting in the dental chair and undergoing a procedure. Some adults …